Thursday, September 6, 2012

So I figure we open the blog up with the topic of coordinating actions between the A-10 and the Ka-50 drivers. Of course the DCS: Politburo decided to adhere to strict realism when creating the two aircraft, and in doing so did not give them a common datalink network. Yes this is realistic. However, it just isn't practical when you have pilots in a multiplayer environment flying on the same side wanting to share information with each other. So being the ever resourceful aviators that we are, we improvise, adapt, and overcome.

So what do we have at our disposal, how do we use it, and what are the limitations? Well, the big ticket item we have is the radio/Teamspeak. The next are our on-board moving map and targeting displays. Lastly, we have the "F10" map. So how do we use them to our advantage? Let's say we have an enemy column sighted by the Ka-50 pilot who is maintaining a concealed observation position. Overhead beyond the enemy threat envelope is our A-10 pilot flying along fat, dumb, and happy at say Angels 17.

Now the Ka-50 driver needs to get the A-10 guy's eyes pointed in the right direction. First thing he needs to know is a rough position of the enemy force. Notice I said "rough position". Understanding each other's capabilities is paramount. The Ka-50 pilot needs to know that the A-10C has some very good optical sensors on board, and that getting those sensors pointed at the general area of a known target is usually good enough. The A-10 pilot can then make a quick survey, and more likely than not, detect and sort the targets. Therefore, the location data must be passed along in a format manageable by the A-10 pilot. Unfortunately the default Lat/Lon in decimal format displayed on the Ka-50 ABRIS is not good data for the A-10 pilot.

It is therefore necessary for the Ka-50 pilot to adapt his gear for the task at hand. In the ABRIS Setup menu is an option for Lat/Lon format. Prior to lift each mission where coordination will be expected, Ka-50 pilots should always verify they are displaying Lat/Lon in standard not decimal format. The A-10 pilot has the ability to set his cockpit displays and enter targeting data using the standard format. Once both airmen are on the same page, coordination is fairly simple. The Ka-50 pilot does a "Target Store" on the ABRIS, and verifies the standard format Lat/Lon of the target. He then calls up the A-10 pilot on Teamspeak and passes on the targeting grid along with any other pertinent information. The A-10 pilot has enough information now to successfully enter the grid into his nav computer and place his targeting pod in the vicinity of the target.

This also works the other way. Say an A-10 pilot spots a target the Ka-50 should prosecute. Again, using the standard Lat/Lon format, the A-10 pilot calls up the Ka-50 pilot and passes along the data. Unfortunately for the Ka-50 pilot, he does not have the luxury of simply plugging in the numbers exactly. He has one of two options. The first option is to keep a calculator handy with the decimal conversion formula handy so as to convert the standard Lat/Lon to decimal format prior to entering the data into the PVI. It can be done, but....what a pain in the arse.

Option number two is to basically just move the ABRIS cursor until it is in the neighborhood of the required coordinates, mark the position, and go from there. Depending on threat environment, the Ka-50 pilot could also request a smoke mark on or near the target from the A-10 if it's available.

A third option for coordinating both ways is to use MGRS grids on the F10 map and a plain-english talk-on from there. The in-cockpit map displays on both the Ka-50 and the A-10C are detailed enough to allow for a talk-on via the F10 map to a known landmark, and then for the pilots to switch back into the cockpit and locate it on the displayed moving map. Again, once the pilots have their eyes pointed in the right direction, locating the enemy should be fairly straightforward from there. This method may be preferred when passing data from the A-10 crews to the Ka-50 crews as it might actually be quicker for the helicopter pilot to get his eyes on target via talk-on to a landmark either visible or on the ABRIS map.

To recap,
  1. Ka-50 pilots should always set the ABRIS to display Standard Lat/Lon
  2. Don't be anal about the target coordinates, just get the other pilot looking in the neighborhood of where the target is located
  3. All participating airmen need to agree as to which forms of coordination will be used prior to the mission start.
  4. A plain-english talk-on using the F10 map may be the best way to coordinate A-10 to Ka-50.
Here are a few links that may come in handy,

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