Friday, October 5, 2012

From what they just showed in the latest DCS World promo, the next DCS aircraft is going to be the UH-1 Huey. Now, I love the Huey. I think everyone loves the Huey. But why on God's green Earth would you make one for this sim????? This is almost as bad as them making the P-51. And it's not even a modernized UH-1Y or Griffon. It's an old H model by the looks of it. I hate to say it, but what a complete waste of development time and energy. A "Whiskey" Snake I could understand. A Lynx, Blackhawk, Chinook, or Kiowa would fit. Hell an Mi-8 would make sense. But a Vietnam-era UH-1 in a sim set in the Caucuses????? DCS seriously needs to rethink the name of their group. I think ADD is much more fitting as it's now obvious these guys have their heads pulling in five different directions all at the same time. I'm sure it will be a great module. I'm sure I'll buy and fly the holy shit out of it. I just wish these guys would get their heads screwed back on straight with a clear vision of purpose for this series. Anyway, here's the video. Great scenes of a P-51 engaging a 23mm mounted on a Ural. How's that for realism!

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